Origins Ginger Souffle

org_028X01_short_lrg When my favorite perfume was discontinued, I started hunting around for a new one. I got many different testers of new perfumes from Sephora that didn’t work for me. Then I remembered that Ginger Perfume from Origins that, about 5 years ago, I’d put on my list of perfumes to try. This isn’t a review of that because I find perfumes to be rather personal and as hormones & lifestyle change, so does one’s preference in perfume; at least, that’s how it’s been for me. I always recommend getting testers and wearing it for a few days

before deciding to buy. Or, buy it from a place that will allow returns of used perfume (like Sephora, Macys, Nordstrom).
What this review is about is one of the samples I was given after I purchased said perfume (they didn’t have perfume testers, but they do have a great return policy at the Macys location!): Ginger Souffle Whipped Body Cream

Here’s how I use it:
– I rubbed some into my hands after a few hours of hiking in the cold without gloves and my hands felt really soothed, soft and replenished.
– For both my feet and legs it was just right in taking away the dryness without leaving me greasy or overscented.

The upsides:
The Scent
– It smells like a gourmet ginger ale – spicy, sweet & fresh.
– This scent is created from a mixture of almost a dozen different essential oils including various citrus, cardamom, clove and eucalyptus and others. After the lotion soaks in, the lingering oil for me is clove.

The texture

– It’s lightweight but moisturizes well. I like this because it’s great to just rub it in and go and have soft, supple hands.
– It’s not TOO light. After it’s soaked in, my hands feel soft and silky with only the very slightest bit of oily sensation.

The not-so-upsides:
The texture
– It might be too light for extremely dry skin.
– After a little while, it soaks in and leaves the skin feeling, well, normal. Personally, this works, but it may not be what others are looking for in a body lotion.

Neither here nor there:
– I would not choose this as a massage cream because of how quickly it soaks in. The adventurous massage therapist may choose to add some to a more long lasting lotion just for the scent. If you try this, let me know how you like it and I’ll do the same.

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