Tag Archives: love it

Weleda Skin Food

I first heard about Weleda when I was in college. I hurt a muscle somehow and my European friend gave me the last of her Weleda Arnica tincture to apply to it and it totally worked.
[I hunted for it on the website but the medical part is really deep and I don’t remember exactly which one I had.]

Since then, I’ve noticed Weleda products here and there – when babysitting, the baby products; when hanging out with my hippy friends, the strange salt toothpaste (that I’m fascinated by but can’t bring myself to pay $7 for); on my seemingly eternal hunt for curl taming hair products, the Rosemary Hair Oil (review of that coming later).

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Skinceuticals C E Ferulic

I first learned about SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic serum at one of their training sessions when I was just an esthetic student. I was fascinated by the studies they showed using pig skin (eek!) that was treated with the serum and without. The skin with the serum showed signs of sunburn after much longer exposure to UV light than the skin without it. That sold me. Then, a few summers later, after using the serum regularly and noticing a brighter, fresher complexion on my face, I decided to do a test.
I was in the mountains near Tahoe on Echo Lake. We had to take a boat ride to the lake store and I thought it was time to test ye ole C E Ferulic. I put it on my face, arms, neck & shoulders with NO SUNSCREEN ON TOP. However, when I climbed onto the boat and leaned forward, my shirt rode up a bit to expose my lower back (which I didn’t notice until later that night).
Just over an hour later, we returned to the cabin and I assessed the damage. My face, arms & neck were ever so slightly pink (which faded by morning), my shoulders were a bit pinker (which faded by the following evening) and I felt triumphant! What wonderful findings, I thought.
And then, “gee, my lower back feels kind of tight…and hot… and, oh, warm to the touch.”

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Origins Ginger Souffle

org_028X01_short_lrg When my favorite perfume was discontinued, I started hunting around for a new one. I got many different testers of new perfumes from Sephora that didn’t work for me. Then I remembered that Ginger Perfume from Origins that, about 5 years ago, I’d put on my list of perfumes to try. This isn’t a review of that because I find perfumes to be rather personal and as hormones & lifestyle change, so does one’s preference in perfume; at least, that’s how it’s been for me. I always recommend getting testers and wearing it for a few days

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The Bodyshop Monoi Miracle Oil

bodyshop_monoi_miracle_oilMy frizzy, curly hair has led me to try many different substances to tame the frizz and define the curl. I finally found one that consistently works for me: The Body Shop‘s Monoi Miracle Oil
Obviously, I spend a lot of time looking at products. I always like to check out The Body Shop because I’ve known them since I was just a kid back when they still scented the products for you with their bulk perfume oils.

(if you also miss that tradition, there’s always Body Time if you’re lucky enough to have one near you.)

For over 20 years (O.M.G.)(I started young…) I’ve watched The Body Shop grow and change and am excited about their Community Trade campaign, of which, this is part.

Here’s how I use it:
– When I wash my hair once or twice a week, I make sure to put a good sized pool of the oil in my palm – about the size of a nickel on my pixie cut – spread it over my hands and then

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Urban Decay Glitter Liner – Spandex

I have a weakness for glitter and sparkles. I admit it. I could blame it on the current “season” and say I’m being festive…
Anywho, when I saw Urban Decay’s Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner in Spandex (which is described as “black, accented w/ rainbow”) I had to have it.

Here’s how I use it:
– I prep my eyes with primer and then apply whatever eyeshadow is of the moment.
– If I’m feeling dark and mysterious (snarf), I apply black liquid

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Pangea Lip Balm

Pangea Organics has an Egyptian Fennel w/ Grapefruit & Sweet Orange Lip Balm that is my friend Eliza’s favorite product.
The caveat here is that I’ve never tried this product myself, but I do trust Miss Eliza’s taste and you know how much I love lip stuff.

Here’s how she uses it:
– She just loves it and wears it whenever she feels like having silky smooth lips.
– When her lips are chapped or irritated it is soothing and healing.

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Burts Bees Super Shiny Natural Lip Gloss

Update: Sadly, Burts Bees discontinued this lovely lip gloss

When I was in high school I wore makeup almost every day. I was especially fond of red lipstick and I wore dark matte colors – never lip gloss. Lip gloss was for the girly girls and I was a dark and brooding art class girl with a leather jacket and a tough attitude.
These days I still wear lipstick but I’ve toned it down a touch. I still don the almost-black-but-really-it’s-dark-purply-red lipstick that I loved so much back then, but usually only when I’m getting all done up for an event. Now that I see clients who look to me for advice about their skin, I stick with more accessible colors on the day to day. And this means that sometimes I get tired of wearing lipstick.

So at Walgreen’s one day, I saw Burt’s Bees Super Shiny Natural Lip Gloss (discontinued – broken link – broken heart) in Zesty Red and I thought, “why not? it’s Burt’s Bees AND it’s red”.

Here’s how I use it:

Sometimes I put it on top of lipstick. While this gives the lipstick more depth of color and makes my lips shiny, I don’t care for it. It makes reapplication much more necessary than I like for lipstick.
However, when I wear it alone, it makes my lips feel super sexy and hydrated. My boyfriend says it looks pretty sexy too!

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Juice Organics Brightening Cleanser

I’ve been curious about Juice Beauty for some time now. They are local to me, use a blend of fruit juice as the liquid component of all of their products and the names and descriptions of their products are really intriguing to me. Times being what they are, I’ve not ventured very far into their product list.
Then I found Juice Organics Brightening Cleanser at Target and I was so excited.

Here’s how I use it:
The best results come from applying it to dry skin and massaging it in. I add a little water, massage till sticky, add more water, massage again and then rinse. My skin feels silky smooth and very clean without feeling tight.

The upsides:

– It’s only about $12 at Target or you can buy it right from their website.
– It smells pleasant because of essential oils.
– It’s organic!
– Here’s an excerpt from the about us page on their website

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